Attendo and sustainable care

Giving people with care needs access to quality care services is a fundamental part of a society’s social responsibility. Attendo is a significant provider of care in the Nordic region and brings new capacity, new methods and innovations in care to society. By responsibly offering more people access to good quality, cost-effective care, we play an important role in fulfilling society’s care mission.

Through our everyday work, we also contribute – directly and indirectly – to the realisation of several of the UN’s global sustainability goals, both for individuals and for society as a whole. Attendo therefore makes no distinction between the overall business strategy and sustainability work; they are both integral parts of our strategic objectives and together contribute to value creation in our operations.

Sustainable value creation

To clarify how Attendo contributes to sustainable value creation in the three sustainability areas of environment, social sustainability and corporate governance, Attendo developed a new strategic framework for sustainable care in 2023. The strategic framework replaces the five focus areas that Attendo has worked with since 2021.

Attendo's long-term goals

Attendo’s long-term goals are based on how we create value for our key stakeholders, with a particular focus on our social responsibility. Our long-term goals are complemented by a clear commitment to sustainable development – that Attendo will create value for customers, employees and payors by working to achieve the long-term goals, while taking responsibility for our impact on the environment and society.

To show progress towards the goals, a number of key performance indicators have been defined, which form the basis of our sustainability reporting. As part of the alignment with the new EU Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD), several new key figures will be reported in the future, based on a dual materiality analysis of Attendo’s impacts, risks and opportunities in the areas of environment, social responsibility and corporate governance.

The key figures and outcomes for 2023 can be found here.

Sustainability report 2023

Care services are a vital part of a sustainable society. When people who need care are supported in their everyday lives, their fundamental rights to life, health and well-being, as well as empowerment, equal opportunity and gender equality are met.

Attendo is a significant provider of care services and adds new capacity, new methods and innovations to society. By giving more people access to cost-effective, high-quality care, Attendo is contributing to sustainable social development. As an employer, we are also contributing to decent working conditions, career opportunities and influence for more than 27,000 employees. Attendo works systematically to ensure that the environmental and climate impact of the business is sustainable.

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Code of conduct

Code of conduct

Attendo’s Code of Conduct is based on our core values and our promises to customers and relatives, to our colleagues and to the society.

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UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Attendo and UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Attendo continuosly evaluates it's contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The contribution has three levels: goals where Attendo actively contribute, goals where Attendo has material impact, and goals unaffected by our operations.

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