Group’s highest decisional organ

According to the Companies Act, the general meeting is the group’s highest decision-making body. The general meeting is the forum in which shareholders exercise their influence, and every shareholder is entitled to vote for the entire number of shares that their shareholding represents. The notice to the general meeting sets out the procedures for participation in the general meeting. Shareholders who cannot attend the meeting in person may appoint a proxy.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be held within six months from the end of the preceding financial year. At the AGM, shareholders are informed of the developments during the last year and resolutions are passed in key matters, such as election of the board and auditor as well as their respective fees. The AGM also adopts the annual financial statements and resolves on allocation of the result and discharge from liability. Further, the AGM sets the framework for remuneration to executive management by approving guidelines for such remuneration. In addition to the AGM, extraordinary general meetings may be called.

Attendo’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 was held on 24 April 2024.

AGM 2024

The AGM shall be held in Danderyd

The AGM shall be held in Danderyd where the company has its registered office, or in the municipalilty of Stockholm. The AGM is held in Swedish, but all documentation related to the meeting is available in both Swedish and English. 

Notice of the General Meeting is published in a press release as well as in the Swedish Official Gazette and Svenska Dagbladet. The Notice of the AGM is also published on Attendo’s website.

Decisions made at the AGM are published via a press release and on the website directly after the meeting.

At Attendo’s AGM the Board Members, members of Executive Management and the auditor are always present to answer questions posed by the shareholders.

Annual General Meeting 2023

Attendo’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 26 April 2023.

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Annual General Meeting 2022

Attendo’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 was held on 26 April 2022.

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Annual General Meeting 2021

Attendo’s Annual General Meeting 2021 was held on 14 April 2021. More information about the AGM are available on this page.

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Annual General Meeting 2020

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Attendo AB (publ) was held on Wednesday the 15th of April 2020 at 17.00 (CET) at restaurant Bra Mat in Danderyd, Stockholm.

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Annual General Meeting 2019

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Attendo AB (publ) was held on Thursday the 11th of April 2019 at 17.00 (CET) in Danderyd, Stockholm.

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Annual General Meeting 2018

The Annual General Meeting of Attendo AB (publ) was held on Thursday the 12th of April, 2018 at 17.00 (CET) in Danderyd, Stockholm.

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Annual General Meeting 2017

The Annual General Meeting of Attendo AB (publ) was held on Thursday April 6, 2017 at 10 am, at Danderydsgården, Danderyd, Sweden.

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Annual General Meeting 2016

The Annual General Meeting of Attendo AB (publ) was held on Tuesday May 17, 2016 at 5 pm, at Viktor Rydbergs Samskola, Viktor Rydbergs väg 2, Danderyd.

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