Development of Attendo's quality work

Attendo was the first care provider in the industry to establish a digital quality system. The latest version is called AQ22. The system is used to document and evaluate quality work at every unit based on five aspects: systematic quality improvement, serious incidents, external audits, documentation and internal audits. It is also the basis for Attendos Quality Index.

A wider view of quality with a focus on health and quality of life

In 2022, Attendo began developing new tools and methods for its quality work. These are based on a new quality framework that more clearly includes health outcomes and quality of life.

Three aspects of quality work are the basis of the new quality framework

1.Process quality

Structures for quality work, such as the existence
of and compliance with procedures, methods and processes. High process quality shows that an organisation has the procedures required to operate safe and secure care and to meet and exceed the standards for documentation and follow-up based on the procedures. This generally corresponds to the aspects reported in the unit surveys from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.

2. Customer satisfaction and experience

Measurement of how care is perceived by the people who receive it and their relatives. This is equivalent to the aspects captured by means including the national user surveys and provides a subjective picture of care according to
individual parameters as well as at the overall level.

3. Quality of life

Measurements at the individual and group level that show actual outcomes in terms of health, well-being and quality of life from the care delivered. The foundation is validated and research-based models. Interviews according to the ASCOT method enable, for example, systematic assessment of how care affects the actual quality of life for the individual. 

New tools for quality tracking

Attendo has been working since the mid-1990s to centralise, digitalise
and automate the collection and assessment of quality parameters in delivered care. In the light of the new quality framework,
a comprehensive review of the fundamental digital infrastructure
has been initiatied based on specific needs in each business area.

Scandinavia: Quality of life interviews implemented

A decision has been taken in Scandinavia to build a new quality system from
the ground up. The goal is to achieve a data-driven analysis of the quality work that can detect shortcomings before more serious deviations occur. It will also make it possible to derive and analyse quality data at the individual level.

As a first step, two new systems were procured to measure and report
process quality, including in relation to reporting of deviations and to provide
an overview of process quality in various units.

The decision has also been taken to proceed with the implementation of
quality of life interviews based on the ASCOT method, which were trialled
in late 2021 and early 2022. The trial showed that customers experienced
quality of life interveiws led to stronger participation and a better opportunity
to influence care. The employees saw how the method clearly strengthened
the continuous improvement work.

Finland: RAI tool for analysis of care needs and quality follow-up

In Finland, the development of the new quality model is closely linked to the
national implementation of the documentation standard RAI (Residence
Assessment Instrument) from 1 April 2023. RAI was developed in the US and
consists of a range of protocols to define and follow-up care needs. The method enables the units to draw up care plans based on the individual’s personal needs. The RAI tool also provides the opportunity to measure and follow the individuals’ health, functional ability and quality of life.

A digital RAI tool to illustrate health outcomes has been trialled with positive
experience and is now being implemented. The way of working makes RAI
more meaningful in daily activities and contributes to better health outcomes.